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Saturday, June 11, 2011

First Week Review

I have to say I was kind of looking forward to the first week of summer vacation, now I am glad it's over. I think it's hard to adjust to a new routine, even if it's just slightly new. We had a fun week. Each night we sat around the dinner table talking about each person's awesome thing of the day (remember that post??? If not, go back to the "Awesome Things" post under Family Time). My only complaint, and am I human so I will admit this, was that two children had a hard time working through things when they didn't turn out exactly as planned. I won't out the children, I will just say, there were terse words and stares from all involved parties until the little ones realized how trivial their gripes were. Nothing like the threat of cleaning all 2700 square feet of wall space in our house can turn one's frown upside down!

We visited the farm, a splash pad, and library. We had an amazing race treasure hunt and watched a few movies. We slept out under the stars. The kids all helped to make Reese's treats and 2 dinners. We had math fun--yep, it can be fun, and science fun--that's only fun if you've actually won the Science Fair. We had a couple of yummy dinners and one "learning experiment" courtesy of a daughter who forgot to put on her listening ears and follow directions. Let's just say, cream of mushroom soup curdles in boiling pasta water.

The girls and I had some one-on-one time to talk about all the growing up things they are about to face. I can't believe they're old enough to have that discussion, but I found a great book that really helped, without embarrassing any of us. So if you've got girls get this book...
Product Details"The Care and Keeping of You" by Valorie Schaefer and Norm Bendell. There's a bunch of books in the American Girl series about growing up, puberty, feelings, etc. All come highly recommended.

Now we are gearing up for next week and I am really thankful the kids Christmas Gift certificates are such a hit. We are still enjoying Christmas in June. If you missed out on this idea, it's basically something I came up with a few years ago. I make gift certificates for each kid, specific to his/her interests and needs. The kids can choose to spend their money where and when they like. The certificates are good for lots of different things like a movie, time with mom, time with dad, book store trip, ice cream shop trip, etc. This way we are spending time together and really connecting, rather than emphasizing the materialism that often surrounds Christmas.

Anyway, next week includes sewing lessons for the twins (thanks Gma MG), making a movie written by Sydney, baking of carrot cake--I need to use up my carrots from last harvest and this is the only way I can hide them where everyone eats them, swimming, sun and much fun with cousins and grandparents.
And many happy memories--

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