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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Patchwork Quilt

There are times when many of us may feel depressed and stressed. I think the holidays can be not so merry for many. Sometimes we get overwhelmed and it's hard to be happy. This can be a magical and wonderful time of year if you can focus on seeing the good in each day. Trials are a part of everyday life and to my friends who are struggling I offer this unsolicited, but vital advice.

It has been my vast experience that what we go through in our life, or parts of our story, are learning processes. Our job is to discover what we are being taught--what Christlike attributes are we to attain through this particular trial? Think about this analogy when you get down: Your life is like a patchwork quilt. Each person you meet, each thing you do, each decision you make, is a part of your quilt. Now, some fabric may be ugly, some stitches may not be perfect and some blocks may not be square. However, when you step back, and get outside yourself and current trial, and look at the quilt I bet you will be amazed at the beautiful masterpiece you have created.

Share a part of your quilt this holiday season. Get outside yourself, serve someone else and I will bet you'll feel better. You will likely add a new, beautiful square to your quilt.

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